An ADT Survey Done by an Employee (Complaint & Review)

ADT recently wanted all of us, their employees to do a survey from off of their network. They said it was anonymous, although you have to put in a user ID to proceed with it. Many did not fill it out for the lack of trust towards our employer, ADT Security.

So here is my written anonymous survey and is intended to inform the future potential customers, as well as job seekers looking into ADT.  Last but not least, it is my formal written complaint to the corporate officers of ADT Security Services and Tyco Incorporation. This letter will also serves as my completed filled survey online.
Moreover, an accomplished man that I highly respected directly said to me, “If the upper needs a survey to see where their people heads are at, then the aristocrats are inadequate and their heads needs to be relocated to the commode to obtain wisdom”.  
To the customers; how can you trust a company that treats their salespeople like cattle, are they trying to make withered-up cows before they slaughter them? An extreme number of new hires leave ADT within an average time period of four to five months, and then a new herd comes in to replace the replacements. My heart goes out to you, the customers, for you will be likely beaten down with inexperience representatives coming to your home. The other representatives will be tired of making their required phone calls, and working sixty to eighty hours or more in a week doing everybody else’s job. Apparently, ADT take pleasure in spending their profits and energy to train the new recruits even though they will quit within months.
The upper managements must have some benefit of feeding off the excrement that the cattle left behind; apparently they believe that they know how to take care of the customers. Spare parts on the truck or resale representative car, are you kidding, that will take too much room. We’ll just come back waste some more gas. Put extra wear and tear on our vehicles.  It is all about the inventory, we do not want to hold our techs accountable, for we know that they will use them for sideline jobs (to me what is bad is bad, get rid of them). You the customer must understand your time is not important to us. Please recognize that we treat our sales force the same. We even pay the salesperson 25 dollars less than a tech to activate your services. We pay them less for the same work performed, why? It’s for golfing, and it is a funny thing, we even expect them to go back in their own vehicles. We don’t even have to pay them the extra time or gas for the return trip if needed, why do you care? They will do it, they are cows. Oh yes! We highly value our sales force, we treat them like peasants working in the sweat shops in China.
Apparently, ADT enjoy spending their profits to train the new recruits so that they will quit within months. One out of 200 may last a year, not bad odd for the lottery. Of course my estimate may be fraud, however not by much.
To individuals that are looking for a sales position with ADT; think again! In the interview it will be suggested that you will you have the opportunity to make well over fifty thousand dollars in the first year, the hiring manager is giving you salt to make you thirsty. All you need to do is put in time, then a little bit more time, and of course your life, etc.
So want a job, come on aboard, but I bet you will be thirsty (literally) in three to four months, and in the first year you are lucky to make 40 thousand, this goes also on the 2nd, 3rd, and the 4th year, etc.  A few of my team members have been with ADT close to three years or a touch more. They work like a dog and make less than 40 thousand for the year of 2010. So in my group only two is doing well (they are making three to five times more than anyone else) and they are spoon-fed.

Instead of working with you, the ADT managers will take you out or reduce the number of leads from the rotation and can flush the leads from you that day, week, and even a month. Then they may give them to someone else if you do not meet their quota.  This will include self-generated or given leads which will force you to make phone calls to generate more leads to replace the leads that was lost. Of course in so doing this they will say it is theirs, belonging to ADT.
They say they don’t utilize fear to motivate their employees, strangely enough, lots of that is going on, screaming to the awful-misguided cow with very low demeaning-humiliating-undignified terminology for all to hear. Of course this is to set everybody else straight.
If you join the team as a salesperson, you will very likely become a withering cow. As my saying goes, “A salesperson come and goes among other newly hires and leave like a herd of cows for the slaughter, and ADT will milk the energy from your lively-hood even from within your belly.”
Family life? Say, again, you have a life, perhaps you don’t like to work here. Wow! For vacation pay, you will receive seventy dollars a day. Knowingly ADT will appreciate you coming back hungry, therefore have a good time.
If you want to learn adversity in your life, come aboard on the ADT’s bus as a salesperson, and you will learn adversity their way. If you read this and still come aboard, it’s your fault. Somewhere, I read this statement from a job post, “Generous incentive plans are in place to reward positive results.”  Additionally, they uncouthly left-out the following words, “And if you are favored”.
Now for my formal complaint to the corporate officers of ADT and Tyco; the phone sales blow-outs and service leads goes to one or two ADT’s sales representative only and not to the others that have the same abilities, skills, fortitude, and capabilities.. This is occurring at my branch and the neighboring branches. This is a form of discrimination.  If you did receive one through a back door and you are discovered, you are a bad cow and then advised they suppose to go to such-n-such person, and oh, yes; the installer, tech, and admin personnel have been warned, for they are not to give you any more. Life is not always fair but favoritism shouldn’t be in the work force.
To inspire the team, the sales manager then uses the elites as an aspiration and for motivational spills for others to be like them. It is not motivational; instead it has demoralizing effects upon the other sale team members knowingly that these elite cows are being spoon-fed.
Since employed by ADT, I am not given the same opportunities as the elites to reach my required sale units requirements, even though I have the same capabilities and the fortitude as they do. This is favoritism to an elite few that holds the same exact title as myself which equate more than several hundred and thousands of dollars more than what  I myself receive with the same required qualifications, skills, and abilities .
To end the complaint; I can understand not to give out the above mentioned type of leads to individuals that are new or those that as not let obtain the acquired skills, or abilities. But if they acquired the set standards of ADT and not receiving these leads, it is favoritism and it levels on discrimination. There will always be adversity in the work place for without it there will be no growth. And favoritism and discrimination should not be one of the adversities that officers of ADT or Tyco Incorporation should accept in the work place.
And to end the survey; in performing this survey you the corporate officers of ADT Security Services and Tyco Incorporation had admittedly declare that themselves are brainless on running a large corporation. Your "Six Sigma" watch dogs they should at least be potty trained. Have you flush your toilets yet?  


  1. ADT residential sales is the worst job, if you even call it that, I have ever had. Crappy place. After a few sales supervisor pulled me from Telemar leads and expect reps to generate leads then on their own. Problem is in today's economy people do not want to spend on unneeded security from ADT's highly exaggerated security scenarios. And the commission from working like a dog (they try to own you and dictate your life there) is NOT even that great. Everyone there is miserable because they are all trapped in the worst case scenario and literally hate their place. ADT, always there? What a joke. Thank God I was smart enough to get out of this hell hole of a place after only a few months. I hate them and they suck. I hope Comcast/Xfinity devours them. Only problem then for Comcast, if they acquire ADT, is they might have to pick up a bunch of moronic workers then. Don't waste your time with this stupid company and job. You will waste your time and money. You will lose money and will make out better by staying on unemployment.

  2. I was an ADT employee for over 2 decades, ending up as a core commercial rep in an Illinois office. I couldn't think of a more disapointing way to spend my life than working for ADT. I was very successful and had top numbers for years. But I was passed up over and over for promotions for people who were secret winners in the closed world of ADT politics. I never went over my Boss's head, always followed the rules and tried to be the ideal dedicated ADT superstar. But it got sickening seeing any management spots, promotions, and even interesting lateral transfers being filled before the job was "posted".There was no respect anymore, no chance, and the feeling of me and the other reps of a company who didn't care, wouldn't listen, and never wood. Even simple things, like recognition at Christmas was cancelled in our office. Other departments felt sorry for the core reps and sometimes invited us to their parties, and we got to eat something if there was any thing left .I tried and tried, as well as other reps, to open management's eyes up to the problems in our office for several years before I could't take it any more and quit.Such a sad dissapointment after so many dedicated years. The residential people had it even worse, due to their inane lead policies, but that is another story!

  3. I have other income outside of ADT, but I have to say, if it were this job, and this job only. I'd have filed BK a long time ago. This job is built for people who have primary incomes from somewhere else who want to augment that income with what I would describe as " a little more on the side from somewhere else." That 'somewhere else' is ADT. If you can't look at it that way going in, you should not take a position in sales in this company. You need to be a top 5% producer to make a living doing this, and you probably won't retire early doing it. The funny thing about the top 5%, that I've noticed anyway, is that they don't do anything by the "ADT playbook". They don't make 50+ calls per day, they don't spend countless miles and hours in the car knocking on doors, and for simple jobs, they may not even make a physical site visit. These are the reasons they are successful - they don't waste time doing it the way ADT would have a sales person doing it.

  4. I'm a current employee and while I don't have the issues listed above, different department I guess, leadership is very misguided and often makes poor decisions only to backtrack and work you twice as much to fix those poor decisions. Raises are a joke 2-3% IF you're lucky. Even when you go to school to make yourself a better person, they fight you every inch of the way for the reimbursement. So in other words, like the people above, don't work here.

  5. Someone had mentioned a while back about unionizing the sales force at ADT. It seems like a reasonable idea to me. The common thread for most sales people at ADT includes the following:

    - No salary
    - Little to no expense reimbursement
    - No defined sick day policy
    - Low/poor commission reimbursement
    - Heavy reliance on personal vehicles and devices (cell phones, computers, etc.) with poor reimbursement for this use
    - Dangerous working conditions - constantly outside in the elements, oftentimes in dangerous areas
    - Oftentimes incorrect commission reimbursements
    - Poor training
    - No venue for employee grievances
    - Top down management style with no feed back from employees accepted
    - Unreasonable job expectations based on commission only plan/poor comp plan
    - Extreme time demands often exceeding 40 hrs/week and weekends
    - Unbelievably high employee turnover at the sales level

    The list seems to go on and on. I'm not a fan of unions, but lets face it, they don't form if the company you are working for is killing you with kindness, or even remotely treating you fairly, which does not seem to be the case here. Someone should reach out to these people in my opinion:

  6. does anyone have the corporate hr phone number to log a complaint ???

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  8. The absolute most helpful thing anyone could do for people considering this job is to know the nature of the commission only comp plan up front (they won't show it to you in the interview - they didn't for me at least). It’s not privileged information; all of us have to sign the plan every year, so here it is in a nutshell for Small Business Reps:

    You get paid on your production in three basic ways, flat unit payout, a % of annual service charges billed to the customer, and a % of installation costs billed to the customer.

    - Flat unit payout. Each time you sell a system, you get paid a flat unit payout. Units 1-4 pay $25.00 each, 5-7 $50.00 each, 8-11/$100.00, 12-24/$175, and 25+/$200. This unit count procedure is on a fiscal monthly basis. For a "unit" to count as a unit, there are certain qualifications. For an alarm system, the minimum annual service charge must be $340/year or more. For a camera system, installation cost must be $1500.00 or more, and for card readers/access control/intercom systems, installation cost must be >$1200.00. If these thresholds are not met, the definition of a "unit" is not met, and for all intensive purposes, there is no commission on the sale.
    -Annual service charges are the fees ADT collects annually to monitor your alarm system typically, but the company can also collect annual service charges (or ANSC) in other manners such as maintenance contracts on equipment purchased. Your commission on these charges is reflected as a % of the first years "ANSC". Service charges <$399.00 pay 20% of the first years annual service charges. $400-$499 pays 35%, $500-$649 pays 40%, and $650+ pays 45%. So if you sell an alarm system with a monthly monitoring fee of $33.33, you just made a handsome $79.99. ($33.33x12x.20=79.99) I can't speak for all geographies, but I pay $20 and change a month for my monitoring service and I love the alarm company I'm with, but I'll come back to that later.
    -Installation charges: Installation charges are the fees ADT collections to install the systems you sell. Installations <$399.00 pay out 8% of the installation charge. $400-$848 pays 10%, and $849+ pays 12%. So if you sell a $200.00 alarm system, you just made $16.00.

    Needless to say, alarm systems are well over 75% of what gets sold at this company. A basic alarm system for a small business typically includes two door contacts, a motion detector, keypad, siren, and control panel. This system is supposed to cost $200.00 installed and service charges, annually, are supposed to be billed at $39.99/month. This system pays $183.96 in commissions before the unit payout which could be anywhere from $25-200.00 depending on how many units you sold for the month at that point. The most you will make on this sale would be $383.96, and the least would be $208.96.

    In summary you should assume that on average your typical sale will yield you about $250-300.00. Quota at the company is 12 units a month. I work on a pretty successful team with 12 people on it. On an average month, 3 or 4 people hit quota. In two years of working here, there has only been one month when 50% or more of the team were over quota. The average unit count on our team is around 7-8 units/month/person, and we have one long timer who's been here forever and typically throws up 25-30+/month so he's skewing the numbers. He's also a top 1% producer in the company. If you are not "that guy" the math is simple; 8 (units)x300.00 (average commission)x12 (months a year)=28,800.00. If that is a good wage for you, you should consider this job.

  9. Ok, so a few weeks into employment and I know nothing about security systems. I do however, know more about how to manipulate people's fears than I ever wanted to know. I'm listening to my manager talk about how to play the customers and then I'm not able to believe this person when they tell me that I'm doing a good job. My training fluctuates between sitting around doing nothing, and micromanagement. I still have no idea what a work week consists of, in general (I understand this can fluctuate be geeze there is a general overall pattern). I have no idea how they want me to generate leads apart from cold calls, knocking on doors, and insisting the customer call their buddies RIGHT NOW. I have no idea if my salary is permanent or will be taken away. I had no idea that my SG's can be taken away. I have emails sent to me at 4am and phone calls at 7am expecting me to already be aware of the 4am email. I have phone calls at 7:00 at night telling me that I must spend the weekend observing service calls. Why? Because I spent the whole week sitting on my butt not doing anything because THEY (not me) couldn't manage time effectively and plan out a work week. My boss is a seemingly nice person with micromanagement and anxiety issues, that I can tell stem from the company climate. Consider that they aren't even trusted to train us without the company sending us to Quick Start, daily reports to the regional manager, and that lovely computer system that lets anyone know how well low level employees do---how man calls made and sold, how man leads generated ect. I feel pressured already and I haven't even gone on a single sales call. So come Monday, I get to break to them the bad news.

  10. How often do ADT Employees get paid? Bi-weekly or certain days of the month? Give ex fofr May 2014 - when does time go in and paydays.

    1. Once a week, on Friday. If you are in sales you get paid the following week. If you make a sale or more and you quit or get fired and you have jobs that hasn't been installed, ADT will will pocket all the all the profits and you will not get payed for those jobs.You do the work and ADT rape their employees. ADT is good in raping their employees from their rightful pay. They expect much from us and give little back to us. They have recently raped the installers for the second time, first time reduce their payout to 40 percent and likewise again just three weeks ago. ADT management is for themselves. Unless you are hire mid-level management, I wouldn't wouldn't come to work for ADT. There is a two thousand dollars bonus for recommending individuals to be hired as a sales rep. As of now, I don't know of any one sale employee recommend their friends or relative to be hired ADT as sales rep. Oh, their is one exception, the sales rep was a newly hired and his friend was recommended and hired, both quit after 3 months.

  11. The problem with ADT is that right hand never seems to know what the left is doing. There are too many departments doing what is best for themselves as a department rather than what is best for the company as a whole. They talk about customer obsession but never employee obsession. If that exists. They put everything on their techs right down to whether the salesperson gets paid for the job that week. Upper management uses linear trains of thought to try to manage every problem and by the time lower management gets their hands on these same problems what they do is the opposite of what upper management just said. Its like saying look both ways before you cross the street and then pushing you out into the middle of it. To me, logic would tell any sane person that happy employees would make happy customers and that would make ADT a better company across the board.

  12. My spouse works for ADT, and for the past 4 months he has been a top seller, despite the poor training he received. He hasn't had a paycheck for 2 weeks in a row, despite driving over an hour away for many of his appointments and closing deals! Mileage is being reimbirsed to him at 10 cents a mile instead of the 56 cents a mile he was told upon hire. Payment of dales doesn't occur until the unit(s) is/are installed.

    He went to new employee training a few months ago out of the state for 5 days, and still hasn't been reimbursed for the $300 he spent on food and gas while there!

    The bottom line is that ADT doesn't like to pay their employees. They make it challenging to get paid by using several different programs, one for sales, one for expenses, and one for mileage, and without a salary, you will go into financial ruin of you chose to work here. Oh, yes, and if a customer decides to cancel service, they take the money you earned right back out of your account!

    ADT is a terrible place to work. Please do not take a job with them, unless you want to drive hundreds of miles a week and make little to no money at all. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and I spend my free time searching for a new job for my husband. He doesn't have time to do it, because he is working 6 days a week and even when he's at home in the evening, he is still dealing with calls from his supervisor or texts from his co-workers. It is not unusual for him to get texts and emails during the night.

    Please do not work for this company. It will put you into financial ruin, as we are currently thinking of moving into one of our parent's basements with our 3 young children. I am devestated and don't want another person to go through this.

    1. You cannot do this job and support a family. It costs money to be a sales rep for ADT. I worked there for years and the stress and hours for little pay sucks. No one cares and they treat you like crap. I feel bad for new people that start it's like they are left to fend for themselves and made to feel like crap. Micro Managed to death.
