Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Spiraling Commode at ADT Security

     Bet there are several ADT sale managers that are upset today, because they didn't hit their numbers last month. 

   My synthetizes goes out to those that did everything that they could of done and acted as if in an emergency situation throughout the entire month of January to feed themselves, their team members, and the shareholders. Too those managers, my condolence and gratitude go out to you. 

   But, there are those that rely heavy on telemar to feed their own mouths and not working for their team servant’s mouth by not applying and commencing the tools that is available to them. 

   Andy, should you be flushing your commode and perhaps you should put your own head in it? 

  Apparently, there are managers, as comments was made in this blog that, at least, a couple of them should be in the downward spiral of the flush. 

   What kind of tools I’m talking about, if the ADTs’ sale managers don’t know what they can provide for their teams in a consistent and timely manner then let them be in the down-spout as Andy flushes. 

  For if the managers are "not" utilizing the tools that are given to them for  increasing the profit margins for themselves, their team members, and ADT, then the morale of the infected team is low and the respect received from their players is only a white chalk painted on their walls. It will rain and the walls' true color will shine through, as it is now.

   I can imagine it now, their right hands grasping, as they are begging for remorse, “I will do better, please, give me another chance, p-p-please”.  Spiraling around, the turds go down, bye.


  1. There are sales personnel that should be in that spiral also.

  2. Sorry, had to delete the last two comments, they were spam from an ADT Dealers from Canada.
