Saturday, February 19, 2011

Recent ADT Survey

ADT Survey, Complaint and Review by an Employee
ADT recently wanted all of us, their employees to do a survey from off of their network. They said it was anonymous, although you have to put in a user ID to proceed with it. Many did not fill it out for the lack of trust towards our employer, ADT Security.

So here is my written anonymous survey and is intended to inform the future potential customers, as well as job seekers looking into ADT.  Last but not least, it is my formal written complaint to the corporate officers of ADT Security Services and Tyco Incorporation. This letter will also serves as my completed filled survey online.

Moreover, an accomplished man that I highly respected directly said to me, “If the upper needs a survey to see where their people heads are at, then the aristocrats are inadequate and their heads needs to be relocated to the commode to obtain wisdom”.  
To the customers; how can you trust a company that treats their salespeople like cattle, are they trying to make withered-up cows before they slaughter them? An extreme number of new hires leave ADT within an average time period of four to five months, and then a new herd comes in to replace the replacements. My heart goes out to you, the customers, for you will be likely beaten down with inexperience representatives coming to your home. The other representatives will be tired of making their required phone calls, and working sixty to eighty hours or more in a week doing everybody else’s job. Apparently, ADT take pleasure in spending their profits and energy to train the new recruits even though they will quit within months.
The upper managements must have some benefit of feeding off the excrement that the cattle left behind; apparently they believe that they know how to take care of the customers. Spare parts on the truck or resale representative car, are you kidding, that will take too much room. We’ll just come back waste some more gas. Put extra wear and tear on our vehicles.  It is all about the inventory, we do not want to hold our techs accountable, for we know that they will use them for sideline jobs (to me what is bad is bad, get rid of them). You the customer must understand your time is not important to us. Please recognize that we treat our sales force the same. We even pay the salesperson 25 dollars less than a tech to activate your services. We pay them less for the same work performed, why? It’s for golfing, and it is a funny thing, we even expect them to go back in their own vehicles. We don’t even have to pay them the extra time or gas for the return trip if needed, why do you care? They will do it, they are cows. Oh yes! We highly value our sales force, we treat them like peasants working in the sweat shops in China.
Apparently, ADT enjoy spending their profits to train the new recruits so that they will quit within months. One out of 200 may last a year, not bad odd for the lottery. Of course my estimate may be fraud, however not by much.
To individuals that are looking for a sales position with ADT; think again! In the interview it will be suggested that you will you have the opportunity to make well over fifty thousand dollars in the first year, the hiring manager is giving you salt to make you thirsty. All you need to do is put in time, then a little bit more time, and of course your life, etc.
So want a job, come on aboard, but I bet you will be thirsty (literally) in three to four months, and in the first year you are lucky to make 40 thousand, this goes also on the 2nd, 3rd, and the 4th year, etc.  A few of my team members have been with ADT close to three years or a touch more. They work like a dog and make less than 40 thousand for the year of 2010. So in my group only two is doing well (they are making three to five times more than anyone else) and they are spoon-fed.

Instead of working with you, the ADT managers will take you out or reduce the number of leads from the rotation and can flush the leads from you that day, week, and even a month. Then they may give them to someone else if you do not meet their quota.  This will include self-generated or given leads which will force you to make phone calls to generate more leads to replace the leads that was lost. Of course in so doing this they will say it is theirs, belonging to ADT.
They say they don’t utilize fear to motivate their employees, strangely enough, lots of that is going on, screaming to the awful-misguided cow with very low demeaning-humiliating-undignified terminology for all to hear. Of course this is to set everybody else straight.
If you join the team as a salesperson, you will very likely become a withering cow. As my saying goes, “A salesperson come and goes among other newly hires and leave like a herd of cows for the slaughter, and ADT will milk the energy from your lively-hood even from within your belly.”
Family life? Say, again, you have a life, perhaps you don’t like to work here. Wow! For vacation pay, you will receive seventy dollars a day. Knowingly ADT will appreciate you coming back hungry, therefore have a good time.
If you want to learn adversity in your life, come aboard on the ADT’s bus as a salesperson, and you will learn adversity their way. If you read this and still come aboard, it’s your fault. Somewhere, I read this statement from a job post, “Generous incentive plans are in place to reward positive results.”  Additionally, they uncouthly left-out the following words, “And if you are favored”.
Now for my formal complaint to the corporate officers of ADT and Tyco; the phone sales blow-outs and service leads goes to one or two ADT’s sales representative only and not to the others that have the same abilities, skills, fortitude, and capabilities.. This is occurring at my branch and the neighboring branches. This is a form of discrimination.  If you did receive one through a back door and you are discovered, you are a bad cow and then advised they suppose to go to such-n-such person, and oh, yes; the installer, tech, and admin personnel have been warned, for they are not to give you any more. Life is not always fair but favoritism shouldn’t be in the work force.
To inspire the team, the sales manager then uses the elites as an aspiration and for motivational spills for others to be like them. It is not motivational; instead it has demoralizing effects upon the other sale team members knowingly that these elite cows are being spoon-fed.
Since employed by ADT, I am not given the same opportunities as the elites to reach my required sale units requirements, even though I have the same capabilities and the fortitude as they do. This is favoritism to an elite few that holds the same exact title as myself which equate more than several hundred and thousands of dollars more than what  I myself receive with the same required qualifications, skills, and abilities .
To end the complaint; I can understand not to give out the above mentioned type of leads to individuals that are new or those that as not let obtain the acquired skills, or abilities. But if they acquired the set standards of ADT and not receiving these leads, it is favoritism and it levels on discrimination. There will always be adversity in the work place for without it there will be no growth. And favoritism and discrimination should not be one of the adversities that officers of ADT or Tyco Incorporation should accept in the work place.
And to end the survey; in performing this survey you the corporate officers of ADT Security Services and Tyco Incorporation had admittedly declare that themselves are brainless on running a large corporation. Your "Six Sigma" watch dogs they should at least be potty trained. Have you flush your toilets yet?  


  1. Samuel, totally agree with you about the toilet issues. The commode is overfilling so much at the corporate offices that the aroma has made it to our branch. It is a very unpleasant odor, indeed.
    Plus you are right, a dozen or so of new sale associates are coming in like flies at our office and they are leaving as they are coming in, even some old faces are leaving with them.
    And you are right about how ADT treats their sales personnel. The leaders of ADT are the string-puppets of Tyco Corporation.
    I would like to say to every new rep, "You are a fool to think you come here as a rep and think you can make a good decent living."
    Wonder why so few reps will even consider referring their friends or a family member to be an ADT rep, knowing if they lasted 6 months they will get the “Big Bonus” of one thousand dollars? Bonus is good, but no righteous rep will put them through this backwards (just saying this nicely) situation, even if they needed a job.
    Samuel, if you are still working for ADT, did you and your fellow reps made bets on the new reps to see how long they will last? One month, two months, three month, and etc… I found out there was a coke bet on me.
    Please, Mr. or Mrs. Client, when a rep does come to your home, asks them this one simply question, are you happy to work for ADT as a sales rep? Then watch their body language for their reply. Thanks, for allowing me to finish my survey. It is a relief to write this.

  2. My question is Virginia DCJS and ADT Security Company has a personnel or private business relationship with each other?

    The following is VA Code and Regulations for Electronic Security (ES) Business and their employees:

    Private Security Services Code - 9.1-138 - 9.1-180

    Regulations Relating to Private Security Services - 6 VAC 20-171-10 to 6 VAC 20-171-560

    Apparently these codes and regulations do not apply to ADT Security, because VA DCJS is allowing ADT phone sales personnel from their office located in Florida to sale security systems without being register with VA DCJS. If I was an owner of an electronic security company I would like to see if I can do the same exact way that ADT is doing it, or to see if the state is giving unfair advantage to ADT.

    I am making an assumption with the following statement. That is, the way they have sanctioned it is by allowing the ADT’s installers that are registered both as an ES Technician and ES Representative with VA DCJS to write up the contract that was sold over the phone, then installs or activates the end user security system. Then, the phone sale individual that sold the security system from ADT receives the commission for that sale.

    The ADT phone sales personnel have been given the authority from ADT officers to use the different company’s security programs, such as MasterMind, Copper, Carms, Admin, and etc. These programs allow the sales personnel to see the private information of a business and residential end users. The private information would be; the type/level of security system and the placement of the security detection units at any previous or new ADT customer sites, secret passwords, even perhaps credit card or bank account information, payment history, and customers contact list. With the above programs, a strayed employee can then use the info themselves for fraudulent intentions or pass it on. The VA DCJS was empowered to enforce the codes and regulations which were set up to reduce this possibility of fraudulent use of end users private information and to keep convicted criminals out of the electronic security industry.

    If VA DCJS is allowing this to occur with ADT, it is an unfair practice to their own employees located in Virginia and for other private security companies that is in compliant with the VA DCJS Code while competing and conducting business in the Commonwealth of Virginia. There should be no secret agreement and a public announcement should have been made to include the ruling of the judgment of the apparent charges and changes so that all security business can heed the VA Code and Regulations to the benefit of Virginia and Her citizens and under the same set standards for all said concerns.

  3. ADT is truely disgracefull. I know someone who works for them and he never has anytime for his family. There reward to him for his hardwork... buracracy, grief, and a few peanuts. I would never work for or do business with ADT or Tyco

  4. Try working in one of the call center' about herding cattle? Well's like a freak show!! They lule you in then make empty promises! NO LIFE is an understatement!! Bad training is about all you get there!

  5. As of Nov 2011 nothing has changed. So that should tell us something. Like they simply just don't care. You are nothing more than head count and are required to sell X units per month. It's that simple. Yes, of course they have their favorites. One guy in my dept painted the manager's house. Guess who got all the leads? But guess who will get the last word.

  6. Hey, East of the Pacific Ocean, I'm North of the Gulf of Mexico, and my manager is not doing the Mailers. I'm in agreement with Mr. Mistry.

  7. Hey, Samuel, I’m a Resale Rep, do you thing that ADT will ever pay us promptly on doing self-activations, did several jobs that I didn't even get pay for. ADT have hula-hoops procedures just to get pay for doing our job. Seems like, ADT purposely do it so that we get tired of their procedures so not to pay us Resale Reps on the self-activations that we do. Getting tired of mentioning it to my boss, believe I have to go to My county Labor Board to get paid, and even perhaps take it a larger step forward to get the money that I rightly earned. I agree with you, and I am flushing my commode.

  8. I was a commercial sales rep for many years. It got so bad, so absolutely awful, so unbelievably stupid that I finally, reluctantly quit. Many, many issues, most of them having to do with how local Management managed and "motivated" their employees. There were the usual things, like having too many employees for too little business. We were chased out of the office at 9am and forbidden to go back before 3pm. We used to just look at each other in absolute amazement when we were forced out; we would be doing quotes, proposals, and processing sales, only to be told (and threatened if we didn't) to "drop our pencils" and get out. Some tried to finish Customer quotes remotely, only to be chastized by Management, who would access their employees accounts and see what times they accessed the estimate creation program remotely on their laptop. Employees were even written up for working on quotes during the day. But of course we were strongly encouraged to work nights and weekends at home. We were all also supposed to work in territories determined by others, from a profit wish list, that had never in the past supported any rep to his/her full required quota. Then all national accounts were taken away from us, we could no longer be part of any of them sold in our respective area. Then the definition of what was a "small business" was increased from 5000 sq feet to 7500 sq feet, that resulted in even more leads being taken from us that would have been in our areas. Our toll free number people would ask potential clients when they called what the square footage was of their business before assigning the lead. Most people seemed to underestimate their business size, and this resulted in leads being stripped from our areas and given to Small Business reps, who didn't have any assigned territories. A smart Small Business rep would go out of their way to talk people out of fire protection, in the effort to keep the lead, and not have to pass it on to the core rep because the potential customer "had a question on fire alarm". And yes, our remaining local core rep business quota was the same in the bad economic days as it was back in the good days several years ago. When ever we tried to point out that the ecomomy was crashing, we were beat up and told we couldn't use the ecomony as an excuse for bad sales. But if that is the case, why was management using the economy as the reason why we had good sales a few years back? All in all, what was once a great, vibrant orginazation had slowly turned into a sad, disapointing company who proved again and again to their employees that they were not important, their oppinions really didn't count, that they were not valued as individuals, and they were considered instantly replaceable, not valued team members.

  9. ADT Sales, Employee ComplaintMay 1, 2012 at 9:27 AM

    Just finished reading your post, I see no changes and all is true that is in it. They recently hired more sales individuals at our office, gave our team fewer sales leads by a large margin. Then told us to work the phone and knock on doors more and more. The leads that they do give us, sucks! The required sales unit per month in my area is 14. I received fewer than 10 leads from the company for the month of April. Six of them was crap, such as; no shows, customer wants one year contract (equates to no pay for job sold + does not count as a sale unit + unpaid responsibility for the job if something goes wrong = shit if I going to sell it), more than 50% more expensive than our competitors, and last, unfathomably common, had negative issues with us in the past. The phone call center has first crack on selling the client when they call in. The leads we acquire are the tail-in from the call-in leads are the less desirable leftovers that likely end with no sale. More individuals = smaller area = less workable resources = less leads = more time spent on phone = extremely less personal time = ADT do not have loyalty to their employees = bull crap = time to find another job.

  10. Samuel, you got guts in writing your post. At this very moment the same s&%t is happening at out branch. Recently lost a good sales rep, and under breath several is not happy how the corporate is treating us. Threats, more S66t that is expected from us, broken promises from corporate with less leads flow to us after our manager hired more reps. I would recommend to my enemies to be a sale rep for ADT. Perhaps the union is the way to go with the right to strike. Perhaps that would flush their toilets along with their S66t.

  11. Ex-employee of ADTMay 23, 2012 at 5:34 AM

    A friend of a friend, a Maryland resale rep, was written up for not making his 45 calls per day. The slave keeper conducted a reasonable thing to keep her slaves in line with a touch of reality. Although, one may wonder if they still maintain the same level of reverence towards her? Wow, the slaves are watching their backs, for fear of being whip. The slave that was written up had a great week of selling not one, not two, but eleven self-generated sales not including any telemar lead sales. She used the excuse that it was to bring the sluggish slave down from a high and to insure that the other slaves will remember that a whip will be used, even if you have gone way beyond expectation of your equals. Does ADT concern itself on how voluminous hours that the slave put in for those eleven plus sales that week, to include the total time of being the installer, the admin personnel, the service manager, the parts room shipping receiver clerk manager, and software DOS program retriever data clerk? Wager it was far more than 50 hours within the six days’ work week. The slave was thrilled when he was rewarded for being threadbare for not making those 45 calls per day. Oh, did I fail to mention, he has the unofficially holds the title of being a telemarketer. The slave even talked to the slave keeper’s boss, the slave master. Apparently he has developed a weak back over time. He allowed the write-up to stand. Apparently he developed the same attitude as the other slave master has, that is, don't bother me, I want to be at home at 5:30 pm, get out of my face. It is a shame that he went down in his caliber of being a just leader as I remembered him. The ADT’s Marylander slaves know that the local HR personnel are useless. This is why I left ADT, the local management due to the corporate pressures had stop caring for its' own employees. Samuel, the only way to flush the toilets of ADT is to quit and join a strong competitor of ADT that will slowly erode the profits of ADT.

  12. Sad part is that ADT management does not really care for their employees. In our midwest USA office, there were new territories set up from smoke and mirrors that did not allow anyone to ever have a chance to meet their quota. There was a company that sold a scam to ADT that went something like this:" We have evaluated all of your areas and have put together a prospect potential study that shows there can be many new territories added, more people hired, and most sales would be the result ". The program came out and each rep had a listing they could print out of the "potentials' in thier area. But we found out that most of the list that the other company sold ADT consisted of out-of-business or demolished sites, small business sites, everyone who had a business name for their in-home business, and lots more garbage, instead of true core commercial prospects we were supposed to have. Many tried to tell ADT that they were buying a bum steer with all this, but no one would listen, seemed to think we were crying for no reason. (The list was actually removed from our on-line Compass program after about a year and not replaced with anything, kind of like someone was trying to hide the fact they paid good money for this crap) So salespeople's quotas started being missed, because there were more reps trying to make them from smaller areas that did not have the potential. We were even written up for not making our numbers with these new territorial divisions and felt that we were being forced to fill our pipelines with "enthusiastic crap" that we could crow about each week. No one was happy and every day seemed to be a trial of endurance. We got a fixed gas allowence (that actually had not changed since the early 90's)and were being badgered to do so much extra field running that it was costing most reps in our office twice as much in gas than what they were being paid for. Very unhappy situation, lots of very unhappy people who were hoping to find better jobs elsewhere..The question I never could figure out was why this company went down the drain, was it their Tyco owner or???

  13. BJ - ADT Life Alert:

    I have tried for a month now to get the representive to return a call to me about lowering my rate. There are competitive prices out here, but I would rather not switch because of the installation cost. Calling and complaining about a represenative does no good. Does ADT think they are the only fish in the ponds?

    Highly disappointed with L. I will not say the full name, but she knows I am speaking of her. I was told she is the only one who sells the home life alerts. I called and spoke with a co-worker of hers and he said she was busy moving, and that's the reason she has not called me back. Well, does moving make you neglect your customers? With customers, she would not have a job, and she definitely would not be able to buy a new house.

    Come on L, really!! You are a BIG disappointment!!!

    SHAME ON ADT LIFE ALERT!! Potential customers beware!!

  14. I have been a customer with ADT for 3 months and they have done nothing but made several mistakes on my account. I asked to speak with a supervisor by the name of Brandon who was very rude and did not provide many options with solutions. I am in a contact that I cannot sign out for 2 yrs and I don't feel its right to be treated this way as a paying customer

  15. To the ADT Security Corporate Office; I feel the need to send this complaint to your office. On August 18, 2014 to the September 31, 2014 I have been trying to get my grandmother account resolved and completed to some changes that convenient for her. My grandmother is 89 yrs old and ADT customer services rep and manager have not tried to reach out to her. To talk to Christine, Kathy, and three other rude manager who promised to call my grandmother to make the profile changes and did not. I had to take time off from job to get this information done. Its employees like those that makes a company loose business. My grandmother and myself have been customers with ADT for over 25 yrs but after this incidence we are looking for another company to provide security for us. If I cant rely on them to make a simple telephone call then I definitely cant rely on them for security call. The representatives and manager from the Virginia and Texas office are hybitual liers and not to be trusted. I have had to go thru this for over two weeks waiting for them to do their job and they did not.

  16. Call this Number, 1- (800) 327-4348, it is the Customer Loyalty Department.
