To all those of the ADTs’ Sale reps, admin and installers that has to deal with the infamous SOE and the COPG departments issues after a sale, this is my simple review about SOE and COPG performances, in particular to the head managers of these departments and their bosses.
My review about these two departments are like two children that are running toward the same objects not knowing what the other is doing and slam into each other giving both a headache. The real lost in this confused situation is to our customer and of the ADT’s employees’ belief of the ADT way.
Where there is confusion, there is evil? This evil, because it steals time which is financial lost from unproductive work; to include customers, sale reps and their managers, and the commissioned installers. Does this also hurt ADT? Thought we was one, apparently we aren't.
More and more, I believe that ADT Corporate Department Heads are educated self-serving idiots. Again my definition for a educated idiots; is knowledgeable individuals that don’t apply wisdom in implementing new or gained info into profitable procedures that results in a negative gain, and a lost in productivity, and the reduction of the moral to its workforce. These idiots should spend a month or two with the real ADT backbone leaders of this fine company to see the deleterious results of their urinated-employed decisions. Hopefully they do this before they do something new again. A good intention without the proper execution brings destruction to all that is in its path onto itself.
The managers above and within the departments of the SOE and the COPG are so uppity with themselves; that to correct their department mistakes, one needs to go through their bamboozle hula hoop loops to correct their bewildering mistakes. Instead of working with the local managers and reps, they say, “It’s our way or the highway,” or sift the blame on a different department. They forgot who their customers are.
They need to set up a separate department up with go-to individuals that take care of these issues.. Hello, A real Help-Line with individuals that has authority to correct mistakes and to help with questions that a sale person may have.
Make somebody's day, flush your toilets.
Good news, SOE and COP-G, has improved greatly.