The below comments was posted on ADT's Chatter Site, a service provided by; sad for the ones that posted their opinion, am sure they got shredded for it. This is just one issue from out of many on how; ADT got the 6th place to be the company to be employed by; that is, the worst of the worst to work for. (see, Wall-Street article here: That means there are five other companies that is nastier to work for than ADT. Simply put, ADT is the 6th nastiest company to work for according to this article.
UnQuestionable, ADT must be proud to be of this standing. Many employees are flocking away from this company. Every month new calves are coming in and the dead ones are being buried by several hundreds if not thousands throughout the company in a fiscal year. Feel penitent for them and their family that ADT financially had place them in, promises when hired is not kept. Wonder, if this is good to me as a stockholder? As seeing thousands of thousands of dollars being wasted in training new people all the time, but their main concern is too much paper usage (and is).
Openly, The American people was lied to when ADT Security Services Chief Marketing Officer Tony Wells on the TV series “Undercover Boss” on CBS made a promise to its' audience that ADT will implement a new gas allowance plan to benefit the sales rep with the usage of their personal vehicle. Yep, again, the new policy greatly reduces the payout to us reps to solely to benefit the company profits.
It’s ok for a sales rep to steal other rep appointments with lies or whatever it takes to get a signed contract; the order from the top to the front-line managers is told to shut their mouths and bring not this to our attention again. The new ADT motto is, “Whatever it Takes, Get the Contract and Fuck the Other Sales Rep,” Now the game punk is fuck your team member, do whatever it takes, even lying to the customer to get the contract. Unfortunately, this is an ADT new low.
The following comments are from other sales reps and their names were omitted for their personal security. Any highlighted words in blue was added by me.
#1 Employee:
I have been with the company for seven years and I am a Club Excellence Representative. I was wondering when you can address the Vacation Pay for Sales Representatives. This was brought up at our town meeting in Miramar, Florida with Naren (ADT's CEO) a while back. According to the agreement we sign, if you make your matrix, compensation is at least $50,000.00. That breaks down to $1000.00 per week or $200.00 per day. Why are we only getting $70.00 per day? Every other employees at ADT (and most of all other companies, and their employees ) is getting equal Vacation Pay.
#2 Employee:
Could not agree more, I have had this discussion with colleagues many times
#3 Employee:
Every time I take a "vacation", it takes me almost 2 weeks to get back to normal.
It almost makes you not want to take time off, because getting back takes a while, or do you burn out due to keep up selling.
Finally, watch-out when ever ADT gives you a thumbs up, their four fingers are pointed back to them.
This is a great post. Vacation is a concern, we get NO sick time that I am aware of. Also expense reimbursement, particularly in the area of mileage reimbursement is despicable. I get something like .14 cents a mile and a flat reimbursement of $140 or 150.00/month. That doesn't even cover the cost of gas. I just flat out don't travel anymore, unless I am 100% sure there is a sale at the end of the trip. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteI remember when "undercover boss" did its piece on ADT and there was a solemn promise that expense reimbursement would change... well it did, it got worse. I still "work" here, but its gotten to the point where I am not really "working" here anymore. If I'm bored I may make a few phone calls and log the miles as if I drove there though. I'm essentially on strike until things get better or I get laid off. A pink slip would be welcome at this point. At least state unemployment won't try to screw me while I'm looking for a REAL job. Lets face it, the bottom line is this is the first time in my life I've worked for a company that ranks in the bottom 10 places to work for... there are a lot of places I'd be embarrassed to get fired from, ADT is definitely not one of them.
My advice to employees, certainly sales based employees at this company, is to STRIKE. Even if its informal, just stop working, cover your company leads and nothing else.
I contacted the IBEW about trying to unionize the line level sales force a few days ago. I would suggest all reps to the same. The more people that reach out the better.
ReplyDeleteI contacted them in my area also, and havent heard back. I have about 95% service tech support on this